The film opens with former US Marine Tommy Riordan visiting his father Paddy, an alcoholic former boxer. Tommy becomes angry about his father's formerly abusive behavior & Paddy fails to convince him that he has truly changed. The next day, Tommy enters a gym where he beats a professional fighter named Pete "Mad Dog" Grimes unconscious within seconds in a fight which is filmed via video phone and later uploaded to the Internet where it goes viral. Tommy asks his father to help him train for a winner takes all mixed martial arts tournament. It is later explained that Tommy enters the tournament in order to give the money he hopes to win to the widow & son of his fallen friend in the Marine Corps. If you want to know what going to happen next, download and watch this movie directly or by using torrent client from HviDeos.
Movie Warrior
Movie Warrior
Size 800MBs
Resolution 1280*536
Frame Rate 23.976 fps
Language English
Run Time 2hr 20mins
IMDB Rating 8.3/10
Director(s) Gavin O'Connor
Star(s) Tom Hardy
Nick Nolte
Joel Edgerton
Release Date September 9, 2011
Country United States
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